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The Ziz

Award-winning Sculpture

Just outside the Home Plate Entrance to Goodyear Ballpark, visitors are greeted by The Ziz, the towering fiberglass sculpture by internationally renowned artist Donald Lipski.


The Ziz has been named one of the “Best Public Art Projects in the U.S.” by American for the Arts. Donald Lipski’s baseball-themed sculpture is among 40 projects cited as “the most exemplary, innovative, permanent or temporary public artworks created or debuted in 2008.” There were 304 submissions nationwide.

Who is Donald Lipski?

Lipski was selected by a panel of Goodyear residents and arts professionals to create a piece of public art for Goodyear. Lipski looked to Goodyear’s proud connection to aviation for inspiration for The Ziz.


Lipski’s version is based on a series of sculptures by 20th century sculptor Constantin Brancusi called Bird in Space. Brancusi made 20 versions of this artwork out of bronze and marble, all representing a bird in flight.

More About The Ziz

The height of The Ziz, including the pedestal, is 60′ 6″ which is the exact distance between home plate and the pitcher’s mound.


The Ziz is named for a giant water bird from Hebrew mythology that rules over and protects smaller birds.


“The idea of having the sculpture sit in a pool of water originated with the landscape architects,” says Lipski. “I thought it was a great idea because flight is so important here in Goodyear – from its history to Lockheed Martin to the beautiful birds.”


“While I do not wish to direct the viewer, to me the sculpture has feelings of joy, wonder and surprise. I am thrilled with The Ziz. I hope that it will be embraced by the community and become a much-loved landmark.”


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